#displayType, Img, Name, Line NOTE: Put 0 for displayType unless you are using the special command
2 1stmate 1stmate Lets go over some things about using the WEAPONS on your ship.
2 1stmate 1stmate Press the Left mouse button to fire your currently selected weapon.
2 1stmate 1stmate Press 'space' to switch between CANNON, GUN, and HARPOON weapons.
2 1stmate 1stmate When using the CANNON, the power of the cannon shot will depend on how charged the cannon attack bar is.
0 1stmate 1stmate The more it is charged, the greater the range and damage.
0 1stmate 1stmate When using the HARPOON, you can connect to different objects. In order to disconnect, you must press the Left mouse button again.
2 1stmate 1stmate When you are ready for the next test, head to the green goal.
2 1stmate 1stmate Lets get some practice ships ready.
2 1stmate 1stmate Try destroying this merchant ship. Merchant ships are usually harmless ships and appear as a white dot on your radar.
0 1stmate 1stmate Nicely done!
2 1stmate 1stmate Now try attacking this enemy ship. Enemy ships have red flags and show up as a red dot on the radar.
0 1stmate 1stmate A good way to take out a ship is to first take out its cannons.
2 1stmate 1stmate Try aiming at the cannons to destroy one.
0 1stmate 1stmate By destroying cannons first, you can virtually render a ship harmless.
2 1stmate 1stmate Now equip the harpoon and try dragging the defenseless enemy ship into the goal area. Unconnect the rope when you have dragged the ship there.
0 CaptainChaos CptChaos Ha ha! I feel the power! I'm in charge, now!
0 1stmate 1stmate You've always been in charge, sir! That's about all there is to it.
0 1stmate 1stmate That's the end of the training. You can press F1 if you forget the controls.
0 1stmate 1stmate Head to the goal when you are ready to call it a day Captain. In the meantime here are some more practice ships to play with.
0 CaptainChaos CptChaos Splendid. I can't wait to see what's cooking at home. I'm hungry.